Individual Career, Assessment and Coaching Services

  • Career advising/planning
  • Career transitions
  • Career assessment - determining fit between interests, skills and careers
  • Coaching - confidential 1-1 sessions
  • Personality assessments and skill & aptitude assessments
  • Skill development        


What is Coaching?
When many people hear the term “Coach,” they immediately think of Sports. But another type of Coaching is a one-to-one discussion-based activity that provides support and guidance for individuals to attain professional and personal goals. It differs from counseling in that it does not deal with the past or emotional issues as a result of the past. Coaching often focuses on professional goals or “life's work” goals.
What is Personal Coaching?
A coach helps the individual to set and attain goals by providing a structure and then dialoging with the individual to move along the path to success. A coach also provides support and encouragement along the way.
What is Career Coaching?
A career coach works with people to define career goals, make a career transition from one field to another, identify careers & job opportunities, develop methods of researching and networking for new careers/jobs, develop effective presentation to prospective employers – paper-based (resumes & cover letters) or interview preparation.
What is Executive Coaching?
Similar to Personal Coaching, the term Executive Coaching is often used to refer to Coaching with high-level managers of organizations when the Coach assists the executive in attaining goals such as culture change, growth strategies, role clarity, providing feedback, life balance, retention, etc. Executive Coaching is a faster, more stream-lined and individual approach than group training for executives.
Types of Coaching Activities:
1. Support Role
Sometimes people, particularly at higher levels in an organization, have few people in which to confide or to give them honest feedback. A Coach can be an objective third-party, and provide confidentiality as well as honest feedback and encouragement.
2. Career Refocus, Satisfaction or Transition
Whether people are employed with an organization and looking for something different internally or externally or they're seeking employment, a Coach can help by looking at the individual's needs and interests and helping the Individual formulate a plan to fulfill the needs.
3. Building Specific Skills
This type of coaching focuses on a specific area of need identified - a skill or competency. The coach works with the individual to become more proficient in this area. This can be considered one-to-one training and almost any group training topic can be adapted to this type of coaching.

4. Goal Attainment for Self or Staff
The focus here is on attaining specific goal(s) that an individual has set either for him/herself or goals that he/she is trying to accomplish through others. The Coach helps the individual to look at where they want to go, where they are currently, the gap between those two, and then develop a plan and action steps to reach the goal(s). Sometimes the objective Coach can offer ideas or questions not yet considered by the individual.
Building Specific Skills in areas such as:
  • Communication - Listening and Speaking
  • Building Rapport with Others
  • Projecting Confidence
  • Leadership or Delegation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Changing Habits or Practices
  • Speaking in Front of Groups
  • Communicating Difficult Performance Feedback
  • Balancing Life and Career
  • Interviewing or Job Search
Note that almost all training topics provided by C4IOE can be adapted to one-to-one skill building.  Our Coaches will develop an individualized plan with you to reach your goals.
The Coaching Process:
Each individual is unique and so each coaching process is unique. People progress through the process at their own pace. Whatever the structure of the coaching sessions, the coaching process would usually include the four phases below:
1. Define Requirements
The individual and the coach discuss the individual's interests/goals, agree to work together if they believe the coaching will be beneficial, and agree on direction of the relationship.
2. Agree on Plan & Process
Together, specific interests/goals are chosen and prioritized to work on. Then a plan, including the structure of the coaching sessions, frequency, and methods of change are discussed. The individual sets plans for the Coaching Sessions.
3. Implement Coaching Sessions
During this phase, the individual and coach meet for the coaching sessions and work through the plan together. The individual provides information to the coach regarding how well the process is working and the coach provides feedback and suggestions to the individual.
4. Evaluate the Process and Follow-up
The individual and coach look back at the original interests/goals during the process to see if the goals are being met and to assess whether the relationship should continue or end.